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Moscow targeted in biggest drone strike since invasion of Ukraine new Sky news - World
20241110 16:50:04
COP29 host suggests it can't ditch gas because of EU demand - and plays down the Trump effect new Sky news - World
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Prosecutors 'to focus on worst Capitol rioters' before Trump takes office new Sky news - World
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Trump and Netanyahu discuss 'Iranian threat' new Sky news - World
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Israel's decision to ban UNRWA could have devastating impact on millions of Palestinians new Sky news - World
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Russia and Ukraine launch biggest drone offensive since war began new World - 9News
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Trump wins Arizona to complete clean sweep of battleground states new World - 9News
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King and Kate front nation in return to duty new World - 9News
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Trump yet to sign ethics agreement required for presidential transition new World - 9News
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Execution of serial killer postponed after he survived a botched attempt new World - 9News
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One monkey found safe, 42 others remain on the run after escaping lab new World - 9News
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Princess Kate marks return to royal duties with Remembrance Day event new World - 9News
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Scans solve 3000-year-old mystery of Egyptian mummy new World - 9News
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Hurricane worker fired after telling team to skip homes with Trump signs new World - 9News
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Actor Tony Todd, best known for his role in the movie 'Candyman', dies aged 69 new World - 9News
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Biden and Trump to meet at Oval Office on Wednesday new World - 9News
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Three charged for alleged murder-for-hire plot targeting Donald Trump new World - 9News
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Bolivians carry adorned human skulls, ask for favours in annual festival new World - 9News
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CEO thinks 43 monkeys that escaped from US lab are 'having an adventure' new World - 9News
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Trump put Musk on phone with Zelenskyy, official says new World - 9News
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Astronauts won't say which one of them got sick after months in space new World - 9News
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FBI investigating racist mass texts sent following the election new World - 9News
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$100,000 ring must be returned after the cancelled wedding, US court rules new World - 9News
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Family murderer who evaded justice for 17 years foiled by TV show new World - 9News
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Israeli football fans 'willfully attacked' in Amsterdam new World - 9News
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